Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.

?, US 31436
à jour au: 2017
1982 Plan Van de Stadt, Delher DB1,

Heat Wave, US 31436

2006 Cove Island Race: 7e/10 IRC G en 52h24', IRC: 0.965

2007 1er juin,Detroit NOOD Regatta: 8 - 7 - 8 = ?e/10

2008 Bayview Yacht Club Thursday Night Series: ?/11
6 juin, Invitational Mills Trophy Race: DNF/12
27 juin, Dinosaur Cup: 2e/3 PHRF
Cove Island Race: 14e/14 IRC C en 33h22'
Picture from Cove Island Race website,

2009 Bayview Yacht Club Thursday Night Series: 4e/9 PHRF 78-126, Jeremy BURNS
5 juin, Invitational Mills Trophy Race: 7e/9 PHRF
3 juillet, Lake Huron International Regatta: 4e/6 IRC

2012 12 juillet, ???

2013 28 juin, Queen's Cup Race, 81NM: 2e/11 Section 07 elapsed time: 15h42', Jeremy BURNS

2016 From ???

"This will be Heat Wave's 5th Bayview Mac, and with the completion of this year's race along the Shore, she will have done every course Bayview has offered. She has also completed two doublehanded Trans-Erie races, and one Chicago Mac as she proceeded to become the only boat to complete last year's doublehanded SuperMac from Chicago to Port Huron. Heat Wave looks forward to this fully-crewed competition against a host of familiar rivals from Lake St Clair and Saginaw Bay in PHRF A."

2017 Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac: on entrants list