TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.
Carronade Of Mersey,
K 4100
à jour au: 1988
197? Plan Holman and Pye,
Proto Oyster 34
1975 Fastnet Race: 8e/41 Classe IV, Mr and Mrs CLEMENTS
same boat?
1977 18 aout, Three Quarter Ton Cup, La Rochelle: 22e/36, CLEMENTS
1979 Fastnet Race: DNF/58 Classe IV, Mr & Mrs P CLEMENTS
19?? New owner and new
Red, K 4100
June, Round Ireland: 30e/50 en
6j17h02', Dale KIRK