Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.

Panache, K 3933
à jour au: 2020
1977 Plan Peterson, Contention 33

1977 January, present at the London Boat Show

1978 Round Isle Of Man: 1er/5 A2, R. SMITH

Panache, K 4139
New owner, H & R Tudor
ISORA: 1er/14 A2, H. & R. TUDOR
November "Seahorse",

1981 ISORA: 7e/18 A2, H. & R. TUDOR

1983 ISORA: 7e/16 A2

1984 ISORA: 2e/26 A2, H. & R. TUDOR

1985 ISORA, 7/7 races: 3e/18 A2, H. & R. TUDOR,

1986 ISORA, 6/7 races: 6e/18 A2

1987 ISORA, 6/7 races: 11e/25 A2

1989 ISORA: 10e/24 A2

2000 Scottish Series: 9e/9 CYCA Restricted Class, Jason RANKIN

2013 For Sale, £9,950 GBP

2015 For Sale, lying Holyhead Marina,United Kingdom, Engine «Watermota» uses Diesel fuel, price 9950 GBP,