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plans NORLIN,


Plans Norlin à la Quarter Ton Cup:

QTC 70: 6e Eliza, ?e Arabesque, ?e Lill Scampi, + un autre.

QTC 71: 4e Genant, 11e Mellow Yellow,

QTC 72: 9e Ai Ta III.

QTC 73: 9e Jonathan Livingston Seagull, 11e Ai Ta III.

QTC 74: 1er Accent, 8e Bloody Mary, 12e Ai Ta III..

QTC 75: ?e Accent.

QTC 76: ?e ??

QTC 77: 3e Butterfly, 9e C'est Si Bon

QTC 79: ?e Butterfly



Accent S 5050 Norlin 1974
Ai-Ta III F 5434
S ? 1970 QTC: ?e
Butterfly S 7707 1977 daggerboat;

C'est Si Bon S 7636 ?;
Eliza S ?, 1970 QTC: 6e,


Lill Scampi ou Scampi 26 ou IW 26:

Bloody Mary S 2660, modifié, 1974 QTC Malmö: 13-12-7-6-13= 9e/47;
Bonita SWE 221 IW 26 1970;
S 5209, Eriksson 4e QTC 71, photo "Bateaux" octobre, 1973 renamed "Jonathan Livingston Seagull";

Gênant GT S 2369 1972 Eriksson, Lil Scampi dont les oeuvres vives ont été changées, 2e QTC 72;
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
S 5209, 9e QTC 73. ex "Génant" avec un moteur et plus de toiles;
Lil Scampi S Lil Scampi 1970;
Mello Yellow S 17, 11e QTC 71 Norlin-Boding, photo "Les Cahiers du Yachting" octobre;

Olivia Anne VI K 3416, voir ci dessous, see below;
Scamp GBR 3532 Lill Scampi 1973
Scampelill FIN Lill Scampi 197?, 1974 QTC Malmö: 17-30-16-21-18= 17e/47;

"Lil Scampi 26 drawing", picture from Facebook 2023,

?, ? ?
Last update: July 2022
1974 plan Norlin, Lill Scampi. 1/4 ton version of the Scampi 1/2 ton cup winner

Olivia Ann VI,
GBR 3416

2000 Major refurb, based in the Solent.

2003 23 mai, Cherbourg Double: 2e/15 IRC2 en 13h33' compensé à 8'. Coeff: 0,815, Chris & Sue FLEWITT

2004 10 juillet, Island Double: 3e/30 Class 2 en 6h43' compensé à 15'. Coeff: 0,815

2005 27 mai, Channel Double: 2e/10 en 17h16' compensé à 57'. Coeff: 0,815
QUARTER TON CUP, GB: 6 - 8 - 7 - (10) - 6 - 8 - 2 - 5 - 10 = 7e/14. Chris & Sue FLEWITT
I’ve had one of the most enjoyable day’s racing ever.” said Chris.
16 juillet, Island Double: 1er/21 Class 2 en 8h14' compensé.
Torquay Double Race: 2e en IRC 2.

2007 Based at Shoreham. Coeff: 0,81518, Picture from Quarter Class GB:

QUARTER TON CUP, GB: 21 - 21 - 5 - 24 - (25) - 18 - 20 - 23 - 22 = 154pts, 21e/26, Jan THIRKETTLE
23 juin, Tour de l'ile de Wight: inscrit cat IRC 3D, départ à 06h00.

2008 Avril, Sussex Regatta: 5 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 5 = 3e/14 IRC2

2009 21 juin, Round the Island Race, (Wight Island): 6e/14 quarters en 11h10' Coeff IRC: 0,814
16 juillet, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: 15 - 8 - 3 - 18 -22 - 11 - 17 - 17 - 9 - 7 = 110pts, 12e/27

2010 14 juin, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: 1 - (30) - 16 - 14 - 26 - 24 - 14 - 17.5 - 10 = 122.5pts, 14e/35
19 juin, JPMorgan Round the Island Race Gold Roman Bowl: 16e/44 IRC 3D en 9h04'
1 aout, Cowes Week: 23 - 19 - 14 - 19 - 19 - 35 = 94pts, 20e/33 IRC 7

2011 Avril, Sussex Regatta: 8e/8 IRC2
Royal Escape Race, Brighton-Fécamp: 1er/?? IRC2, Jan THIRKETTLE
25 juin, Tour de l´île de Wight: ?e/1902, 14e/73 Division 3D en 8h33' reel,
11-13 juillet, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: 17 - 19 - (26) - 13 - 25 - 13 - 24 - 16 - 22 = 149pts, 20e/30, 6e/14 corinthian Coeff: 0.814

2013 15 juillet, QUARTER TON CUP: 21 - 16 - (bdf) - 14 - 20 - 18 - 21 - 20 = 130pts, 20e/26, Coeff IRC: 0,814, Jan THIRKETTLE

2015 Felixstowe Regatta: ?e/??
Picture from Regatta website,

2018 7 juillet, Round the Island Race, 10h57' elapsed time: 5e/30 IRC 3D
20 juin, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: (18) - 18 - 16 - 14 - 18 - 7 - 11 - 13 = 97pts, 15e/21, Coeff IRC: 0,816, Jan THIRKETTLE

2019 29 juin, Round The Island Race, elapsed time 13h46': 3e/354 IRC

2021 4 June, QUARTER TON CUP, Cowes: (17) - 17 - 17 - 16 - 13 - 11 - 12 - 7 - 17 - 16 - 14 - 17 = 16e/17, handicap: 0.814, Jan THIRKETTLE
3 July, Round the Island Race, elapsed time 8h57': 8e/40 IRC Div 3D

2022 Vice Admiral's Cup: 4 - (9) - 7 - 9 - 7 - 4.5 - 4 - 3 = 5e/8 Quarters, handicap: 0.814, Jan THIRKETTLE
25 June, Round The Island Race, elapsed time 8h49': 11e/55 IRC 3D, IRC 0.814

2023 13 May, Vice Admiral's Cup: 3 - 3 - 3 - 4 - 4 - (4) = 3e/5 Quarters, Jan THIRKETTLE
7 July, Round The Island Race, elapsed time 10h07': 3e/5 Quarters, IRC 0.810
16 July, 16th Taittinger RSYC Regatta: RET/25 IRC 4

2024 15 June, Round The Island Race: RET/16 Group 3D, TCF 0.812