Quelques infos sur les QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats


à jour au: janv 08
1976, plan Ron Holland, Manzanita

She has been sailed successfully in Kiel and later in Neustadt and Rerik.

2004 Since summer 2004 its new port of registry has been Stralsund.
20 septembre, Kalter Schlag: DNS. Oliver- Sven SCHULZ

2005 Class winner in a couple of races of the Stralsund Wednesday regatta series.
Thomas WRASE
overall runner-up of our class in the 2005 Stralsund Wednesday regatta series
second of our class “Marina Neuhof Cup”
25 juin, Marina Neuhof Pokalregatta: 7e/19ttc. Oliver- Sven SCHULZ
Round Plantagenet: 1er/?.
Four Corners Race, ...Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany: DNF/??, problémes materiels
10 septembre, Kalter Schlag: 24e/41ttc

2006 "In the beginning of 2006 we refitted the deck and bought new sails."
class winner in a couple of races of the Stralsund Wednesday regatta series
overall runner-up of our class in the 2006 Stralsund Wednesday regatta series
Round Plantagenet: 3e/?
24 juin, Marina Neuhof Pokalregatta: 8e/26ttc. Thomas WRASE

2007 class winner in a couple of races of the Stralsund Wednesday regatta series
juillet, "Up and Down und Rund " 10 Jahre Marina Neuhof, 4e/16ttc, Karen STEIN