ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - One Tonners Liste - Résultats - Architectes - Photos de One Tonners


Result, KZ 2998
à jour au: mars 2015
1977 Plan Lidgard, chantier Lidgard, LOA: 10.97m

Result, KC 2998
2 novembre, One Ton Cup, Auckland: 14e/14, (KZ boat, chartered to the Canadians)

1978 Février "Régates"

2012 14 juillet, B&G Simrad 50, NZL: 6e/9 Cruising Divisio 6h51' elapsed time
11 aout, B&G Simrad 60, NZL: 6e/7 Cruising Divisio 8h15' elapsed time
8 septembre, B&G Simrad 100, NZL: 6e/7 Cruising Divisio 11h43' elapsed time

2014 Will be racing in the One Ton Revisited contest next year;

2015 Picture from One Ton Class Facebook:

27 february,
One Ton Revisited, Auckland: 6 - 4 - 4 - 6 - 6 = 6e/6
, IRC: 0.980, Bevan HILL
From One Ton Revisited website,

5 septembre, Safety At Sea Series NZ Baltic 50: 2e/18 Division elapsed times, 6h24'

Impact, KZ ????
à jour au: 2018
1974 ou 1973(?) Plan Lidgard, chantier Roper, 10.36m, Dep: 3200 kg

1973 NZ One Ton Cup: ?e/??
From One Ton Class Facebook 2017,

Impact, KZ 1812

1998 Auckland-Gisborne race: 1er/?? general handicap and on PHRF, Kevin KELLY

2015 27 february, One Ton Revisited, Auckland: 3 - 6 - 3 - 3 - 3 = 4e/6, IRC: 0.926, Kevin KELLY
From One Ton Revisited website,

2017 19 October, Auckland to Russell Yacht Race: 128e/143 Line result, elapsed time: 21h27', Benjermain SCEATS

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2018,

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2021,