ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - One Tonners Liste - Résultats - Architectes - Photos



Ragtime, US 40864
à jour au:
1987 Plan Nelson/Marek, built by

Sistership to "Regardless"

1987 SORC, Florida: 2e/?? Classe 4, ??

1988 June, North American One Ton, Detroit: 2e/18, John GEORGES, New Canaan, Connecticut
4 September,
One Ton Cup, San Francisco: 21e/25,
September, Big Boat Series, San Francisco: 5 - 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 = 5e/11 OT, IOR 30.55'

1989 February "Offshore",

Could be the same boat, pictures from Facebook 2023,