ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - One Tonners Liste - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Résultats - Photos
Doug Peterson
Liste des bateaux:
40 Carats F 6961 Contessa 35 197?;
Adrenalin KA 1999 Peterson 1980;
Aladdin D 1001 Contessa 35
Amiga US 23705 Peterson 1980;
Andara US Contessa 35 1974;
Audacious US 7597 Peterson 1976;
B 195 KA B 195 Peterson, dériveur 1977;
Barnstorm KZ 5717 Peterson 1985 IOR 30.5', 1985
Southern Cross: ?e/36, New Zealand "B" Team: ?e/12, Sydney Hobart:
77e/178 elapsed time 4d08h38e, TCF 8156, J.Hall;
December "Offshore",
Black Magic US Peterson Contessa 35 197?, 1977
OT North Americans: 2e/?;
Blackheart US 49433 Peterson 35 1978 Cooper
Yachts, ex "Waylon";
Bootlicker K Contessa 35 197?;
Boscerino Keimon ITA 7122 Impala 36 197?, 2023 1
June, 14th 151 Miglia-Trofeo Cetilar, Livorno, elapsed time 42h23': 78e/139
IRC, Giuseppe Guarneri;
Brown Sugar US Peterson #60 197?;
Bullfinch ? Cavalier 36 197?;
From Facebook
Calypso III F 7223 Contessa 35, 2008 dernier
certificat HN;
Charisma V US 46441 Peterson 1980;
Clan ITA 7134 Impala 36 197?, 2023 1
June, 14th 151 Miglia-Trofeo Cetilar, Livorno, elapsed time 38h18': 12e/139
IRC, Iacopo Poli;
Cocodrillo I 6889 Impala 36 197?, 1976 Cape To Rio Race: 5e/148 ttc,
Emma Maseratini;
to Rio Race, Official Brochure",
Combat II K 3643 1979, 1991 Renammed "Elea";
Coromandel III KA G 5 Peterson
39 1980;
Chouette US 20470 Peterson 1975 J. Rodgers, 1976 One Ton Cup, Marseille:
?e/43, M. David-W. Diehl, 1981 Cowes Week: ?e/??, picture from Facebook
Constance of Lymington K Peterson
Cosmos GR 111 Contessa 35 1974;
Country Woman US Peterson Contessa 197?;
Daulen VI F 6450 Contessa 35 197?;
Deception KA M 200 Peterson 1977, 1977 26 December, Sydney
Hobart race: DNS?, David Hankin, 1978 26 December, Sydney Hobart: 8e/106 elapsed
time 4d22h39', Handicap 0.7877, David Hankin;
"Offshore Sydney Hobart Race Program",
1978 "Offshore Sydney Hobart Race Program",
Deception KA 3200 Peterson 1978 Sister
ship de "B195" dériveur, renamed "Thirlmere";
Diamond Cutter KA 1792 Peterson 1975;
Dida V I 8222 Peterson 1978, 1987 renamed "Golf";
Digital Computers KA 352 Peterson 1980, ex "Ultraviolet";
Distant Drummer US Peterson 1976;
Draco US 49476 Peterson 197? a Cooper Gambare based in Seattle, info
and picture from Peterson Facebook 2019;
Elea K 3643 Contessa 35 197?, ex "Combat
Eliza G 1785 Peterson sister ship de Gunboots
en bois moulé 1974 construit au chantier Burmeister, renamed "Sextett";
Fortune Hunter US Peterson 197?, 1974 Ida Lewis YC Level Racing
Series: 1er/? OTC, 1975 SORC: 4e/?? ttc et 1er/?? Classe E, rating 27.4', Cameron;
Foxy Lady II ? Cavalier 36 197?, From Facebook 2024;
Free Act ? Peterson 35 19??;
Facebook 2024,
Ganbare US 37665 Peterson 1973;
Gold Dust US Peterson 19??, 1980 US
One Ton Cup: 8-2-4-12 =
7e/14, George Foster;
Golf ITA 8223 Peterson 1978, ex "Dida
Gumboots K 3666 Contessa 35 1974;
Hati IV NZ 111 Contessa 35 1974;
Hercules K? ?? Contessa 35 modifié 1975, ex
Hi-Jacque 1977 Peterson 197? built by Cavalier
Yacht in New Zealand;
High Noon US 8948 Peterson 1979;
Huon Chief (KA) A 31 Peterson
Idee Fixe 2 F Contessa 35 197?, 1985 Spi Ouest
France: 3e/?D2, Boquiem;
Incisif III ? Peterson 198?, 1984 Sardinia Cup: ?e/??, Greak/Belgian
Team: ?e/??;
Inflation US Peterson 1975 built in aluminium by Eichenlaub, single
spreader rig, 1975 SORC: 2e/?? ttc et 3e/? Classe T, Lowell North,
rating: 27.5', SDYC Ton Cup: 2e/?? OT, 2021 Comment from Facebook
"Commissioned by a client from Hawaii, chartered
for SORC by the local sailmaker & friends, raced in Hawaii after she got
there for a couple of years, then went ??? IIRC sold to east coast??";
Jeff U(ruguay) 6708 Peterson 1975 Cantieri
71, ex "Puka Puka";
Jolly Olly IV CND 19875 Peterson 35 #1 1974;
Karaté KZ 3666 Peterson Contessa 35
modifié 1976;
Karma USA 57868 Peterson 37 1977, ex
Kentucky Women US 18509 Peterson 19??, 1985 September, Big Boat Series,
San Francisco: 14-11-13-11-11 = 13e/15, rating: 31.0', Jerry Wood;
Kindred Spirit US 14464 Peterson 19??;
King Fish US Peterson 197?, 1975 1er septembre, One Ton Cup,
Newport: 9e/20;
Knytte D 711 Contessa 35 1976;
Lady Of Solent F 6450 Peterson ex "Solent
Legende US 40055 Peterson 1984 built by
Liho Liho BL 500 Peterson sister
ship de Gunboots en aluminium 1974 construit par Kesteloo;
Lively US 12822 Peterson 197?;
Magic Pudding KA B 195 Peterson 1977, ex "B
Magic Twanger (The) US 12587 Peterson
1973 built in wood by Eichenlauk;
Mayhem K 776 Peterson 1980;
Mini Jumbuk KA SA 119 Peterson 1979, ex "Sunburst",
1989 Sydney Hobart: 24e/108 corrected time 3d08h06', TCF 8031, J. Howell;
"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",
Mohaka KZ 2887 Cavalier 36 197?, from Facebook 2024;
Facebook 2024,
Morgana Sw Contessa 35 1975;
Natael III I 6554 Peterson Impala 36
1975 built by C. Navale 71;
Neptune One F 7080 Contessa 35 1977;
Not By Bread Alone Us Peterson design #18 1974
One of the more famous Cooper/Martin Ganbare 35s;
Obsession B F Contessa 35 197?;
Odyssey K Contessa 35 1974, ex "Bootlicker";
Ole G Peterson 1977, 1978 One Ton Cup, Flensburg (RFA): 22-8-24-27-18
= 21e/36;
On The Beat KA 352 Peterson 1980, ex "Ultraviolet",
renamed "Digital Computers";
Osceola US Peterson 197?, 1975 Semaine des One Tonners, Saint Petersburg
Floride: ?e/11;
Peau d'Bouc F Contessa 35 197?;
Pied Piper US 47721 Peterson 197?;
Pipien Too I 6655 Impala 36 1975 built by C. Navale 71, 1975
Giraglia: 6e/29, VI Settimana Velica dell'Argentario: 1er/14 Classe I à
III, Semaine
des Bouches:
6e/28 Classe III, Semaine International de Noël: 1er/?? Classe III, Curci,
1976 One Ton Cup, Marseille: ?e/43, Pictures
from "Bateaux" magazine archives;
Prairie Farmer US Peterson 35 197?, comment from Facebook 2022
"Racing in Narragansett Bay. Great boat. Sister to
Donovan's Not by Bread Alone that terrorized eastern Long Island Sound";
Puka Puka I 6708
Peterson-Gambare 1975, renommé "Jeff";
Relentless KA Peterson 1978 Sister ship
de "B195", dériveur;
Ruthless KA 1510 Peterson 1975 built by
Quilkey Brothers;
Sagittarius KA 1792 Peterson 1975, ex "Diamond
Saïga Z 735 Contessa 35 197?;
Salute US or CND Peterson OB41, Design #102
19??; Could be a Two Tonner!
Saracen K Contessa 35 197?;
Schuttevaer H 2160 Peterson 1975 built by W.H. Kesteloo, 1975 Channel
Race: 3e/? Classe III, Van Dam,
Fastnet Race: 3e/42 Classe III elapsed time 114h43', Championnat du RORC: 2e/?
Classe III, 1976 One Ton Cup, Marseille: ?e/43, J.C.W. Van Dam;
Picture from Facebook 2019,
Sextett GER 1785 Peterson 1974 Burmester, ex "Eliza";
Slalom Glade Contessa 35 1977;
Sleeper US Peterson Ganbare 1974;
Solent Saracen K Contessa 35 197?;
Southern Comfort ? 2304 Peterson 1977, 1977 26 December, Sydney
Hobart race: DNS?, Peter Hankin;
1977 "Offshore Sydney Hobart Race Program",
Stinger US 47505 Peterson en aluminium 19??,
renammed "Vamp";
Streaker KA 2020 Contessa 35 modifié
1975, renamed "Hercules";
Sumbra IV I 6061 Peterson 1974;
Sunburst KA SA 119 Peterson 1979, 1982 Sydney
Hobart: 47e/118 elapsed time 3d16h37', TCF 8110, B. Weston, 1983 Sydney Hobart:
111e/173 elapsed time 4d02h23', TCF 8101, Weston, 1987 Sydney Hobart: 92e/153
corrected time 3d10h55', CF 8041, renamed "Mini Jumbuk"; Not on
OT main list as it is not sure she is a OT, TCF as some other OT!
SunJammer USA 57868 Peterson 37 1977,
renamed "Karma";
Surprise US 23507 Peterson 197?;
Télémaque F Contessa 35 197?;
The Magic Twanger US 12587 Peterson 1973;
Thirlmere KA Peterson 1978, ex "Deception";
Thunder Cloud NZ 2557 Peterson 1975
built by Cavalier Lidgard Yachts NZ;
Tin Woodsman US Peterson Design #38 197?, 1976 Lipton Cup: 1er/??,
1977 OT
North Americans: 3e/??, 2018 From
One Ton Class Facebook: "Later Audacious. Had
hydraulic rams at the headstay and backstay with a valve to change the mast
rake in flight without changing the tension. Also had hydraulic "vang down"
and "vang up." Someone once opened both valves and pumped away. Blammo-hydraulic
fluid all over the deck. Still need to scan & post a pic. Great boat. Michael
One Ton Class Facebook,
Togo V J 1995 Peterson-Don 37A 197?, 1978 19 March, China Sea
Race, elapsed time 104h22': 3e/42 IOR, rating 27.4', Togo Yamada;
Traveller US 16554 Peterson 197?;
Ultraviolet KA 352 Peterson 1980, renamed "Digital
Vamp US 47505 Peterson 19??, ex "Stinger";
Vanessa III KA 1510 Peterson 1975 built
by Quilkey Brothers, ex "Ruthless";
Viola ITA 8700 Peterson 197?, L: 12.10m;
Waylon US 49433 Peterson 35 1978 Cooper
Yachts, renamed "Blackheart";
Wiki Wiki It Peterson-Gambare 197? construit en plastique, 1974 Middle
Sea Race: 3e/6 Classe III, Violati, 1975 Semaine de Gênes: 3e/18 OT, SNIM:
4e/20 Classe III;
Wildwood US 12864 Peterson
design #19 197?;
Witchcraft K 777 Contessa 35 197?;
Woodpecker US 26700 Peterson 1978;
Production Boats:
Cavalier 36, plan Peterson, buler Cavalier Yachts, Australia,
from 1976 , 20 built, LOA: 36.09 ft, S.A. (reported): 858.00 ft², Beam:
11.81 ft, Displacement: 6,583 kg;
Chita 37, design #31, built in Japan around 1977, picture and comment
from Facebook 2022 "One of the many production
One Tonners built all around the world to Doug's designs.";
by Doug at the launching.
Contessa 35, chantier Jeremy Rodgers, UK;
Peterson 35, built in 1974, 40 builts, "Jolly
Olly IV" is the number 1;
Peterson 37 or Wiggers 37 built by Wiggers Yachts
(CAN) from 1981, LOA: 37.00 ft / 11.28 m, not built as
One Tonner;
Impala 36, chantier C. Navale 71 en Italie de 1975 à 1977, noté
similaire au Contessa 35, LOA: 35.76 ft / 10.90 m LWL: 28.54 ft / 8.70 m; Beam:
10.83 ft / 3.30 m; S.A. (reported): 817.00 ft2 / 75.90 m2; Draft (max): 6.23
ft / 1.90 m; Displacement: 12,787 lb / 5,800 kg;
2021 December, Information and pictures
From Facebook, Naomi Spar "Hello
seafarers! I sailed my 40’ Doug Peterson IOR 3,000 nm between the Inside
Passage and SE Alaska. The mast and shrouds have found the end of their life
cycle. Incredible adventure, absolutely inspiring. I’m headed back to
work and saving the big money. I intend on sailing around North and South America
on my own and I like going FAST. Who makes good carbon fiber spars? I’ll
be going back to the Port Townsend shipyard for repair. Thanks for being helpful",
"1976 40 Peterson by Doug Peterson. I haven’t
found any blue prints or any info about this series of boats."
2018 Avril "Le Bon Coin",
A Vendre One Tonner 11,50 m, Dessiné par Doug Peterson en 1978 fibre
de verre, Viens de traverser l'Atlantique, Tout le matériel à
bord prêt à repartir, pas de vis caché, 25 000 Euros, photo
de l'annonce,
2010 "Latitude 38°",
1984 June "Latitude 38°",
1978 March "Sailing",
One and Two Ton IOR Numbers.
GUMBOOTS is Design #16. STINGER is Design #20. We believe PIED
PIPER is a Design #16, bumped at the BWL, lighter, and in less aggressive bow
down trim than GUMBOOTS. But, as you can see, the early Peterson One Tonners
were pretty similar across the designs.
Picture from Peterson Facebook 2018,