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Orange Peel, US 20741
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1975-79 Plan Lars Bergstrom & Sven Olaf Ridder

Tailwind 38, Hull Type: Fin with rudder on skeg, Rigging Type: B&R, LOA: 38.16 ft / 11.63 m, LWL: 29.83 ft / 9.09 m, S.A. (reported): 663.00 ft² / 61.59 m², Beam: 11.92 ft / 3.63 m, Displacement: 14,784.00 lb / 6,706 kg, Ballast: 5,824.00 lb / 2,642 kg, Max Draft: 6.50 ft / 1.98 m, Builder: Hurley Marine Ltd. (UK)

Pictures and comment from Facebook 2023 "Resurrecting a 1975 I.O.R. One Tonner, “ ORANGEPEEL “ Designed by Lars Bergstrom and Sven Olaf Ridder, The B&R Team. She was built from a Hurley Tailwind in the summer of 1979 at Blagdons Boatyard, Richmond Walk Plymouth England for Lars Bergstrom, His personal boat. Builders were Myself Colin Curtis , Colin Bucksley and the project was Managed by John Kiff. She was built in 15 weekends from Hull and Deck moldings to Launch, then sailed to Florida by Lars, Roger Wilson, John Kiff and a Small crew. She was sailed in lots of races, SORC, Mexico, local IOR races.

"Then she laid in the back yard B&R at 1121 Lewis Ave in Sarasota, gradually dying, no keel, hatches open, filled with wasps, ants and general crap , mould and filth a hole in the keel sump drained out the ingress of rainwater.
My dream boat was a nightmare this was in March 1994.
After the death of my friend and mentor Lars Bergstrom, I was formerly given the boat by Mary, Lar’s Wife and his daughter Kristen.
The boat was moved to a different yard and I started on a five year project to restore her, she was a money pit and talking of money I had very little, but I did have a dream.
“ Orangepeel “ had a center cockpit with a aft hatch, which I could never see as making sense, Lars was no longer around to say NO Keep It’, so I got out the sawzal and got to work cutting out a new cockpit with a purpose built helm station built to my leg width, with a alum leg restraint, and a forward facing hatchway, this was all glassed in with a carbon ,kevlar construction, coverered by my new dome
At this time I had to move the boat again up to Apollo Beach, all was going great, I had fabricated a new alum tiller complete with a cup holder, an alum bowsprit to take the asymmetric spinnaker, an alum frame for the gimbaling chart table, a aluminum pod for the cockpit to take a chart plotter and my auto pilot, and compass
I started on the woodwork for the new interior, but at this time I was given the news that the yard had been sold and I had three weeks to get it in the water and out of the yard.
We had to get the keel from Sarasota, where it had been resting in Knighton Sailmakers yard, a cradle was borrowed from Snead Island Boat Works, and my second nightmare began, I took a vacation from my job at Island Yachting Center in Palmetto, and so began three weeks of hell !!!!.
Some of the keel surface had burst out from the weather and the Antimony in the keel construction , this was repaired with epoxy and faired , the hull was sanded and faired, sanded and faired,!!! ready to accept her coat of new paint, this was done before fitting the keel to make spraying easier, the keel was fitted, using Lars method of a surface of epoxy fill with just 50200 around the bolts, this ensures a perfect fit in the keel hull match up.
I set about building a mold for a fiberglass dome, this was done by strip planking veneers then filling . sanding, and couple of coats of Mold Gelcoat , I laid up the dome with a Sandwich of foam and Carbon strips to give it the strength when I was standing on it ,the recessed widows were made of Lexan, all came out pretty good
The Hull was AntiFouled with help from the guys at Snead Island Boatworks in Palmetto, lines taped up by Joe and myself and Terry Tibbets rolled on the anti fouling.
I had to rebuild the rudder and re-wrap the carbon rudder shaft after all this time laying in the Florida sun, it had taken a toll on the structure.
A new fairing piece had to be built for the back edge of the keel, this was done one night with the help from my cars head lamps, and a lot of bug spray .
My time was running out, the guys at the yard were very encouraging but I was wore out, finally I could fit the rudder and fairing piece, finish the anti fouling, I had help from great friends,
Finally on the last day the travel lift set her very gently back into the water, part one of the project was completed.
At this time my sister and brother in law had come to visit from England, they helped by Painting the decks with the non slip, so with help from Ian Jarmin, and Ted Parsons, we towed the boat to Bradenton, we had to use a set of Large Vise grips to steer the boat with as the tiller handle was not yet finished.
We had a party on the docks at Twin Dolphin Marina, from there “ Orangepeel “ went to Ians house and then to Snead Island Boatworks dock number 64 .
I could now use our workshop to build all the interior Joinery, and Finish the boat, I was extremely happy that another phase of the project was completed.
I got a call from yet another friend Gary Alderman at Snead Island Boatworks, he said he had a customer that needed to get rid of a brand new 35 Horse Turbo Yanmar Motor, “ Wow’ and it was a bargain price, Yet another good friend, Dan Caruso stepped in and Paid for the motor.
All I needed now was a mast, running and standing Rigging, sails and the engine fitted, together with instruments, deck winches, not much to ask for ????
A few favors were called in and a brand new mast section was bought in from friends at Sparcraft, I sent them my design and they supplied a tapered welded up mast extrusion, the boom was an Isomat section, that appeared one day, no questions asked. ????
At this time I paid a visit to another good friend Neil Harvey, known in the industry as Harken Harv, and what do you know he has an old radiused mainsheet system, I only need to fabricate the end stacks to allow the tiller handle to fit underneath , Thanks Harv.
I built the mast behind our workshop partly in a tent, all parts were routered out, spreader roots were fabricated, spreaders were acquired from friends, the mast and all the fittings were faired and primed. my Mentor Lars Bergstrom was a stickler for a smooth Aerodynamic finish.
All the running rigging was acquired from Sailing Services in Miami, I had, 2 Spins, 2 Genoas, 2 Main Halyards, 1 Staysail, A spin pole lift system, a Lazy Jack system, all these halyards were in tapered Dyneema and I built these in our workshop.
I had two main halyards one for the sail and the other as a temporary backstay, this could be used if running in big seas, just to stiffen the rig as its a B&R rig with no backstay
The mast was transported to Snead Island Boatworks where the Maestro Steve Austin, then worked his magic by fading the paint scheme I had chosen, Bright Orange on the bottom to first spreader then a lighter Orange to second spreader then a Yellow to the Masthead, the boom had the same color scheme, kind of crazy but its my boat.
We set up the mast, Its a B&R mast and Rigging design with the Cap shrouds out to max beam with external stainless steel chainplates, thru bolted, thus making the spreaders rather long, these were stiffened with alum tubes inside to give them added strength,
The mast was set up in the yard and I set the prebend, then measured all the shrouds and Diamond stays, the measurements were then sent to Sailing Services in Miami and the wires were swaged , and returned as one would expect all fitted, Sailing Services are great Riggers, My rig was complete, all that’s left to do is run the halyards, fit the lights and wind speed anemometer and of course the World Famous WINDEX, I have a Rig .
We had a mast stepping party at the yard, lots of friends turned up, all giving their opinions, which were graciously taken but not acted on, I had dreamt of this day for a long, long time and of all the boats I have rigged this was the most important .
When the Rig was completed all the Halyards were run, it looked like a sailboat, all I need now are sails.
Gregg Knighton and Allan Capelin from Knighton Sails in Sarasota came up and did the measurements, I had increased the old design by a lot and this was of some concern, I also wanted a square top main, to give an extra bit of power, yet another concern.
Gregg built the sails assisted by myself, and as an extra piece of Friendship he put the Name “Orangepeel “ in large Day Glo letters down the Luff, looked awesome, I got the genoa first and of course had to show it of by sailing around the Manatee river.
At this time I had been restoring a O’Day 40 sailboat called “ Mother Ocean “ for Rick Gress , this work gave me some much needed funds to complete my boat, Thanks Rick, and the aim was to sail her in the Bone Island Race, this was from Sarasota to Key West, this was an old West Florida Coast Race which was run by St Petersburg Yacht Club, now resurrected by my good friends Alice and Greg Petrat.
The day came for me to take the boat to Sarasota, minus the new main, so another good friend Hobie Collins, who was my Navigator, Great Cook, and the person who keeps me on the straight and narrow, and was my only crew member, we headed on “ Orangepeel “ first trip back down to Sarasota for 20 years, said a little prayer to Lars as we passed Jew Fish Key, promised to not let him down.
We arrived at Marina Jacks Marina, this was just after the radio antenna had scraped the underside of the New 65 ft Ringling Bridge, maybe the new rig is a bit tall. A phone call was made to the Sail Loft your Main is almost done, ???? “ It’s a Sail Loft “ say no more !!!
Just because you work for a sail loft doesen’t mean you will have preference, we patiently waited all afternoon, then Gregg appeared with this Huge sail, it was hoisted and “ Wow “ I have a sailboat, I can only say it looked impressive, fitted perfectly, now all we have to do is to motor down the ditch to Venice Yacht Club, Gregg had driven down to register me.
we arrived in the dusk to be met by a huge bunch of friends, had a few beers,
In the morning Hobie and I headed out early to see how the boat would sail after all these Years and Years of hard work.
It was a dream come true, hardly any wind she was going like a train, I held back at the start then sheeted in and let her go, we were gone smoking the opposition, a Phone call from Gregg ,who was on Greg Petrat’s Swan “ Constitution “ asked me did I know there was a race going on behind us.
At that time Hobie smoked a pipe, can still see the smoke curling away from his pipe a great wind indicator
We were gone, only two boats got past us, one a Catamaran sailed by Doug Fisher and the other a two tonner sailed by Bill Dooley, We would have won the race but I was using a temporary PHRF handicap from her sister ship in Ohio, and a few competitors got a bit antsy, so I withdrew from the race, much against the wishes of the organizers Alice and Greg plus a lot of my friends, I did not want my dream boat to be called a Cheater Boat.
“ Orangepeel “ was built to be sailed Single Handed you can do every operation from my steering position,
She carries a 110% percent genoa , “was a 135% but got badly damaged on the leech so cut it down, it helped a lot “.
A full battened mainsail with three reef points, A large square orange head board. A Number 2 genoa, only used it once when Genoa got blown out. A rather large bright Orange and Yellow Asymmetric Spin flown from the Bowsprit, this is housed in a oversized sock this makes it easier for single handed hoisting, and more importantly dousing, the sock was cut down from “ Thursday Child “ Spinnaker, thanks to another friend “ Steve Pettingill“.
This asymmetric was built by a design from Alan Capellin we got the material and I took the cloth to St Petersburg and had it computer cut, then myself, Hobie Collins and Alan laid out the sail, I remember Alan said that Hobie was better at sailmaking than myself , Hell its his first sail and its my job.
She sails like a dream, the BRC 006 on the Mainsail stands for “ Bergstrom- Ridder and Curtis, the “006 “was the sixth Tailwind Built by Hurley Marine, We enjoyed many racist Key West and locally.she sailed well in all points of sail and loved the light air.
As many dreams fade she was sold last year and now I think lives in Pensacola Florida. When building a project like this its a huge bonus to have friends who will help you out when needed, I thank them all ."