ONE TONNERS: Sommaire - One Tonners Liste - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Résultats - Photos
Liste des bateaux:
Aggressive USA 25000 Joubert/Nivelt
1986, ex "Sprint";
Amazing Potato US Joubert/Nivelt 1987,
ex "Innisfree";
Carmagnole Suisse Joubert 1978,
Clin D'Œil 85 F 9056 Joubert/Nivelt
Diamant Bleu F 9250 Joubert/Nivelt 1987,
ex "Turquoise";
Diva F 83 Joubert/Nivelt 1983;
Espace F 85 Joubert/Nivelt 1985, ex "Espace
du Désir";
Espace du Désir F 85 Joubert/Nivelt
Fever K 775 Joubert/Nivelt 1984 construit
au chantier Hervé à La Rochelle, renommé "Ragtime
Full Tilt Boogie US 33835 Joubert/Nivelt
1984 built in France;
Grafitti CAN 84991 Joubert/Nivelt 1985;
Grégal F 7572 Joubert 1978;
Iles des Baléares E 2470 Joubert/Nivelt
1985 built by Baracuda, 1985 One Ton Cup, Poole: 24e/38;
Impulse US 40200 Joubert/Nivelt 1984, 1985 SORC: 6-8-12-1-15-dnf= 12e/18
classe 5, Ocean Triangle: 1er/??, Christopher Pesch, 1986 SORC: ?e/??;
Avril "Course au Large"
Innisfree US 33816 Joubert/Nivelt
1984, renamed "Trader";
Marseille Export F 85 Joubert/Nivelt
1985, ex "Espace";
Mustang CAN 84991 Joubert/Nivelt
1985, renamed "Grafitti";
Nyarlatotep F 7572 Joubert 1978,
ex "Grégal";
Patriot US 33921 Joubert/Nivelt 1984;
Paul F 8981? Joubert/Nivelt 1976, ex "Repression"
très modifié;
Phantom USA 32998 Joubert/Nivelt 1984 built
in France, renammed "Twisted";
Player USA 32998 Joubert/Nivelt
1984 built in France, renammed "Twisted";
Potato FRA 33816 Joubert/Nivelt 1985;
Quick Willy US 33550 Joubert/Nivelt L40 #01 1984, 1987 July,
North American One Ton, Chicago: 11e/19, Larry Rosenzweig, Chicago YC, Rubaiyat
Trophy: 1st/??, Bruce Rosenzweig, 2022 Comment from Facebook "I
sailed on QW (hull #1) for 10 of the 11 years she was campaigned (very successfully).
Multiple Boat-of-theYear winner, overall season champ, Chi-Mac podium finishes.
A great boat, great owner (Larry Rosenzweig, actually, Bruce's brother), a great
crew... probably the best, most fun 10 years of my sailing career.";
from Facebook 2022,
R. Segundo US 33816 B Nivelt 1984, 2011 25 mai, émission
du certificat ORC, GPH: 608.6, au nom de Marin E SARL La Ciotat;
Ragtime II GBR 775 Joubert/Nivelt ?, ex "Fever";
Repression F 6274 Joubert polyester;
Rising Star US Joubert Lager 40 1984;
Sagnak TUR 666 Joubert/Nivelt 1983, "Diva"
sister ship;
Picture from One Ton Class Facebook
Silverstar US Joubert/Nivelt 198?, 1986 Bermuda Race: 1st/??;
Sprint USA 25000 Joubert/Nivelt 1986, 1987
renamed "Agressive";
Sprint III USA Joubert/Nivelt 1989, 1989 North American Champion,
(2015 May, received all info about this boat: "JN39
built for Detroit in 1989");
Subversion F 5782 Joubert ?;
Trader US 33816 Joubert/Nivelt 1984,
ex "Innisfree";
Turquoise F 9250 Joubert/Nivelt 1987;
Twisted USA 32998 Joubert/Nivelt 1984 built
in France, renamed "Phantom" then "Player";
from One Ton Class Facebook 2015,
Ville de Saint Nazaire F 9250 Joubert/Nivelt 1987, ex "Turquoise";
X-Com F 85 Joubert/Nivelt 1985, ex "Espace";
1984 December "Yachting", Info about Lager 40 designed by Joubert/Nivelt and built by Wiggers Custom Yachts. Based on 'Diva', top individual yacht of Admiral's Cup 1983, 7 builts
1975 Avril "Bateaux",
1970 Mars "Les Cahiers du Yachting", mais ce bateau a-t-il été construit??