Histoire des FIGARO 2: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique - Numéros - Résultats



OC2, GBR 27
2003 Figaro 2 No 27, à jour au: janvier 2024

17 Mai, Tour de Bretagne: 21 - 25 - 23 - 22 - 12 - 17 - 11 = 18e/26. Éq: Emma WESMACOTT, Samantha DAVIS
Juin "Course Au Large",

Générali Méditérrannée
: 20 - 27 - 30 - 23 - 23 - 13 - 27 - 23 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 17 = 303pts, 24e/31.
Photo archives revue "Bateaux",

Figaro, Prologue: 32e/42. Postlogue: 38e/42
Solitaire du Figaro, bizut: 25 à 1h30' - 29à 54', G: 24 à 2h11' - 25 à 3h40', G: 24 à 5h36' - 7 à 10' = 19e/42 à 5h42'.
(bizut: 4 à 17' - 3 à 18', 3 à 35' - 2 à 1h26, 2 à 3h16' - 1 = 2e à 3h04')
Route du Ponant
: 12 - 16 - 15 - 14 - 9 - 14 - 12 - 16 - 14 - ? = 15e/18.

2004 Générali Solo: 21 - 14 - 11 - 19 - 17 - 18 - 13 - 8 - 13 - ? - ? - 10 - 7 - ? = 12e/34. Samantha DAVIS
Figaro, Prologue: 19e/52. Postlogue: 12e/52
Solitaire du Figaro, 6 à 3' - 14 à 2h, G: 13 à 2h01' - 25 à 7h12' - 13 à 36' = 19e/52 à 9h22'.
Course des Falaises: 11 - 12 - 6 - 13 - 15 - 11 - 15 = 13e/24.
Octobre, Champ. France équipage: 19 - 22 - 29 - 28 - 18 - 15 - 20 = 23e/33, (151 pts).
Championnat de France des Solitaires: 10e.
Extrait d'une publicité trouvée dans "Bateaux":

Skandia, GBR 10
2005 Trophée BPE, Lorient-Cuba: 5e/12 en 25j 15h 22', à 8h11'. Samantha DAVIS
Avril "Le Télégramme",

Générali Solo
: 14 - 8 - 5 - 5 - 16 - 5 - 20 - 17 - 3 - 20 - 22 - 22 - 19 - 13 - 14 = 16e/23, 231pts.
Figaro, Prologue: 27e/46.
Solitaire du Figaro: 26 0 54' - 23 à 1h21', G: 23 à 1h59' - 10 à 49' - ? à ? = 22e/46 à 6h24'.
Tour de Bretagne: 26 - 22 - 9 - 13 - 23 - 14 = 20e/38, équipier: Romain ATTANASSIO.
Route du Ponant: 6 - 11 - 3 - 6 - 10 - 7 = 4e/25.
Vendée Défi: ?e/11
Décembre "Voiles et Voiliers":

Aras Cargo, FRA 27
2006 Vakko Odyssée, Cannes - Istanbul: 5 à 1h23' - 11 à 2h23' = 5e/23 à 3h40', éq: Luc POUPON, Florence ARTHAUD

GFI Group, GBR 27
2007 Avril, Trophée BPE, Belle Isle-Marie Galante: DNF/27. James BIRD
Solo Port de France, Concarneau: ?e/25
Solo Les Sables: ?e/11

Transmanche: 12e/16
23 juin, Tour de l'ile de Wight: inscrit cat ISC 4A, départ à 0540. Coeff ISC: 1,067
24 mai, Marseille, prologue: 27e/50 à 14'34"; Postlogue: DNF/50
Solitaire du Figaro, bizut : DNS - 39 à 2h30', G: 50 à 19h - DNF - 35 à 6h00' = DNC/50, DNC/14 bizuts
8 septembre, Tour de Bretagne: 11 - 25 - 29 - 28 - 23 - 21 - 30 = 167pts, 26e/31. éq: Ryan PARKIN
3-14 octobre, Finale du Champ de France de Course au Large: 208pts, 18e/21
GP de Vendée: 20 - 17 - DNF - 21 - 16 - 16. Route du Ponant: 19e/20 à 4h40'
GP de Perros Guirrec: 12 - 17 - 15 - 9...

Lorient octobre.
Championnat de Course au large en solitaire 2007: 24e/60, 346pts

Octobre, FIGARO BENETEAU n°27, A vendre ou A louer pour la saison 2008, Nous contacter pour plus d’informations.

2008 26 mars, The next Ellen MacArthur? Katie MILLER, 21 years old.
Hot Socks, GBR 27
Bateau acheté pour faire l'OSTAR 2009
26 mai, RSYC Double Handed Race from the Solent to Cherbourg: 3e/?? Class 3 en 9h49' à 18'. éq: ??
18 juillet, First victory for Katie Miller, When Katie Miller entered the bluQube Solo 1000, the aim had been simple: to qualify for the OSTAR single handed race. The last thing she expected was to win her class aboard her Figaro 2. But that is exactly what she did do, as well as taking overall honours, awarded the 'Saltire Quaiche' for best rookie and the bluQube Endeavour Trophy voted for by competing skippers...
bluQube Solo 1000 race: 1er/?. Katie MILLER
2-9 aout, Cowes Week: (44) - 30 - 25 - 28 - 30 - 30 - 34 - 19 = 240pts, 30e/42 IRC 2, coeff IRC: 1,087

Bluqube, GBR 27
9 mai, Cervantes Trophy: 82e/106 IRC ttc en 16h43' en double. Katie MILLER
OSTAR: 9e/31 en 21j19h03', Katie MILLER
Hot Socks,
9 aout, Fastnet Race: ?e/?? IRC ttc, 16,5points, double handed with Hannah JENNER, Coeff: 1,092

Bluqube, GBR 27
12 fevrier, BluQube is relaunched (Endeavour Quay boatyard for modifications and annual maintenance)
4 mai, Singlehanded round the island race: ?e/25ttc
6 juin, Shetland Round Britain & Ireland: 12e/39 IRC en 13j20h15'. Éq: David PUGH, Coeff IRC: 1,091

2011 18 janvier, Katie Miller vend son Figaro Bénéteau 2, n°27. Participation à la Solitaire du Figaro 2007, OSTAR 2009, Shetland Round Britain and Ireland 2010.
Visible à Gosport, Angleterre. Inventaire disponible sur demande
International, GBR 27
Miller will once again join forces with Matthew Lingley, co-skipper of their successful Round Britain and Ireland Race in 2010, and the duo will compete in the 1000 Mile Double Handed  Race. The race, starting in Scheveningen, Holland and racing to Lerwick, Shetland Isles and
Bergen, Norway, is an official qualifier to the recently re-launched RWYC TwoStar TransAtlantic Race.
Hot Socks,
3 juin, North Sea Race: 36e/53 ttc en 1j04h48'
22 juin, Bergen-Lervik: 7e/43 ttc Lys en 32h21', 3e/9 IRC2. Éq: Matthew LINGLEY
, Katie MILLER
Team International Paint,
6 aout, Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week: 22 - 19 - 23 - 17 - 14 - 37 - 20 = 152pts, 17e/37 IRC2, Coeff IRC: 1.090

Hot Socks, GBR 27
18 mai, North Sea Race: DNF/34 IRC ttc, double handled, coef: 1,079, Katie MILLER
Team International,
11 aout, Aberdeen Asset Management Cowes Week: 36 - 36 - 36 - 36 - 36 - 22 - 36 = 238pts, 34e/35 IRC 2

Hot Socks, USA 67630

2016 November, Berkeley Midwinters Series: ?e/??, (San Francisco area), with Nathalie Criou as part of the crew

2017 February, Berkeley Midwinters Series: ?e/??, with Nathalie Criou as part of the crew
Picture from https://envoleeadventures.blogspot.com

2018 Avril, For Sale 2004 Beneteau Figaro 2, Race boat, not for the faint of heart, Balsa core construction, extremely light and stiff, rod rig, brand new sails. This vessel does not disappoint. If you are in the market for a racer sailboat, look no further than this 2004 Beneteau Figaro 2, priced right at $88,900 (offers encouraged). This vessel is located in San Francisco, California and is in great condition. She is also equipped with a Volvo Penta engine that has 300 hours. We are looking for people all over the country who share our love for boats. If you have a passion for our product and like the idea of working from home, please visit SellBoatsAndRVs.com to learn more. This listing is new to market. Any reasonable offer may be accepted.

2019 Vendu à Rich Wilson pour une école de navigation sur la Côte Est des USA, (10 bateaux achetés),
Raga, #27
Rich Wilson: "We have formed the Collegiate Offshore Sailing Circuit, Inc. (see www.cosc-usa.org ) with the goal to expand the pool of offshore capable mariners in the USA by bringing true offshore sailing to college sailing teams (which typically only sail dinghies)."
This boat was re-named RAGA by her New York Yacht Club donor after the beautiful music that a sitar plays. The donor said: “it’s musical, it’s international, it’s simple.” The boat comes from San Francisco, was previously named Hot Socks, and was raced transatlantic earlier in her career to arrive here in the USA.

2022 January, seen on the Collegiate Offshore Sailing Circuit website as part of the fleet, (see www.cosc-usa.org )

or Hot Socks, # 27

2024 February, from www.cosc-usa.org, on COSC fleet list, part of 13 Figaro 2 fleet