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TP 34 Cristabella, GBR 5206L
Last update: June 2015
2006 plan JUDEL/VROLIJK. built by Green Marine using a female mould to reduce the weight associated with fairing. The Grand-Prix construction, with engineering provided by SDK, utilized pre-preg carbon fibre and Kevlar with nomex coring. The boat came out on target weight.

2006 Picture from

Fin mai, Punta Ala MedCup: 4 - 12 - 7 - 11 - 2 - 2 - 4 = 42 points, 4e/19.
Skipper and helm John Cook, Tactician  Dee Smith, Navigator Pete Selby
Other notables Gerry Mitchell, Tom McWilliam, Toby Iles, Brendan Darrer, Matt Cornwall, George Skoudas, Guy Salter
Castellon MedCup: ?? = 82 points, 13e/19.
Portals MedCup: ?? = 110 points, 16e/21.
Copa Del Rey MedCup: 2 - 12 - ?? - 11 = ?? points, 4e/20.
22 aout, Athens Trophy, MedCup: 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - ?? = 47 points, 4e/16.
19 septembre, Trofeo Balearia - Ibiza, MedCup: ? - ? - ? - 1 - 1 - ? - ? = 57 points, 3e/21.
2006 Circuit Breitling MEDCUP, 6 régates: 5e/23, 304pts.

2007 19 avril, Hublot Palmavela Regatta, Palma: 1 - 8 - 3 - ? = 19pts, 2e/9. Skipper: Brendan DARRER
13 juin, Breitling MedCup's Trofeo Alicante: 7 - 8 - 9 - 20 - 13 - 11 - 9 = 77pts, 13e/23. John COOK
??, Puerto Portals: 109pts, 15e/21.
Juillet, Copa del Rey: 136pts, 13e/22.
Aout, Portimao: 69pts, 9e/19.
13 septembre, Hyeres: 15 - 9 - 10 - 8 - raf - 12 - 12 - 10 - 7 - 12 - 4 = 115pts, 11e/15.
Circuit Breitling MEDCUP, 5 régates: 11e/24, 446pts.
24 septembre, Rolex TP 52 Global Championship, Porto Cervo: 2 - dsq - 4 - 11 - 10 - 13,75 - 5 - 10 - 3 = 74,75pts, 9e/15.
with Gavin Brady, tactician.

2008 Février: 52' Green Marine TP 52 Year: 2006, Current Price: US$ 850,000, Located in Palma, Spain, Hull Material: Composite
CRISTABELLA is a state of the art 2006 built TP 52 ready to race class or IRC at the highest level. New North sails, B/G wind gear, Hall rig, she has it all.
As of January 2008, the boat is receiving a 2008 designed fin, bulb and rudder as well as new sails for the up coming sailing season. As the owner has now decided to sail the Med cup with this boat. But we are open to offers at any time with a close in September 2008 and she can be purchased for a very good price
18 avril, Hublot Palmavela Regatta, Palma: 1 - 2 - 2 = 5pts, 2e/?? IRC. John COOK
15-18 mai, Audi Med Cup, Trophée d'Alicante: 11, 2, 15, 7, 12, 10, 4, 11, 13 = 85 pts, 10e/16
5-8 juin, Audi Med Cup, 2 Trophée de Marseille: 15, 3, 13, 12, 7, 7, 8, 3, 10 = 78 pts, 10e/14
Aout "Seahorse",

30 juin, Audi Med Cup 3, Sardinia Trophy: 10,6,12,11,9,8,9,7,11,10 = 101pts, 10e/13
21-26 juillet, Audi Med Cup 4, Breitling R., Palma: 8, 6, 9, 11, 4, 10, 10, 15, 5, 16 = ?pts, 11e/15
28 juillet, Copa Del Rey: 7 - 9 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 8 - 8 = 48pts, 7e/11
25-30 aout, Audi Med Cup 5, Region of Murcia T.: DNS
15-20 septembre, Audi Med Cup 6, Portimao: 13 - 12 - 7 - 10 - 12 - 15 - 4 - 3 = 76pts, 12e/15
AUDI MEDCUP, 6 régates: 11e/21, 665pts.
The Judel-Vrolijk TP52 Interlodge underwent an extensive IRC conversion and was re-launched in October 2009 (new keel)
21-26 octobre, TP52 World Championship, Canaries: 13 - 13 - 14 - 10 - 10 - 13.75 - 6.25 - 10 - 4 - 8 - 5 = 107pts, 12e/14.
Seahorse 11/08 A Vendre, Christabella, 500 000 Euros

2009 Seahorse 3/08 A Vendre, Christabella, great IRC potential, 400 000 Euros

New CNC Keel Fin and Bulb from AG Price in NZL, designed for IRC by J/V.
Aft Deck Extensions / Hull Flare added, IRC Optimization by J/V
IRC optimized bow sprit with 2 tack lines setup
RigModification to allow for square top mains, done by Hall Spars
17 April, Hublot Palmavela Regatta, Palma: ? - ? - ? = ??pts, 3e?/3 TP 52
Interlodge, USA 5206
1 November, IRC East Coast Championship: ?e/8 IRC 1 Coeff IRC: 1.379, Austin and Gwen FRAGOMEN

2010 18 January, Key West 2010: 4 - 2 - ??? = ?e/6 IRC 1. Coeff IRC: 1.367
3 March, St Thomas International Rolex Regatta: 1 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 4 - 3 = 2e/8 IRC
23 April, Antigua Sailing Week: 22 - 1 - ... = ?e/30 IRC division A
3 July, Crosshaven:

10 July, Cork Week: ?e/?? IRC 0.
29 October, Storm Trysail Club’s IRC East Coast Championship: 3 - 5 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1 = 14.5pts, 3e/6 IRC 1

2011 March, new Deck Paint job, new Topsides painted, new Durapox Bottom job wet-sanded and polished.
4 April, International Rolex Regatta, St. Thomas: ?e/6 IRC1, Gwen FRAGOMEN
20 June, Block Island Race Week: 5 - 2 - 5 - 1 - ...= ??pts, ?e/7 IRC1
July, New Sail Drive

2012 18 July, For Sale, Judel / Vrolijk Transpac 52' INTERLODGE - $520,000 USD, IRC Optimized, Interlodge was formerly Cristabella, a 2006 Judel/Vrolijk TP52, built by Green Marine. This TP52 was delivered for the 2006 Med Cup Series, after the unfortunate damage to the previous, 2005 Cristabella. Purchased in May 2009 and optimized for IRC Interlodge is one of the most extensively prepared TP52’s available
Sled, USA 5206
11 June, 158th NYYC Annual Regatta: 4e/5 IRC 2 en 1h55'. coeff IRC: 1,377, Takashi OKURA

2014 Information from TP52 website: Corsair, US Naval Academy

Corsair, USA 5206
2015 5 June, Annapolis to Newport Race, 473': 2e/7 IRC 1
18 June, Block Island Race Week XXVI: 4 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 4 - dnf - 6 = 5e/6 IRC 1, coeff IRC: 1,376, Charlie MORRIS

201? New owner and new name,
Encore, USA 5206

2018 27 April, Newport to Ensenada Race: 5e/9 Maxi, elapsed time: 14h06', John McENTIRE
1 June, California YC Cal Race Week: 2e/2 PHRF A
22 June, Long Beach Race Week: 3e/4 PHRF A
28 July, Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race, elapsed time 11h11':
3e/8 ULDB A

2019 July, Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race, elapsed time 8h00': 6e/6 ULDB A, John McENTIRE

2020 21 February, Island Race: 4e/4 ORR 2, John McENTIRE

2021 April, Newport to Ensenada Race: ?e/?? PHRF, John McENTIRE
July, Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race, elapsed time 6h32': 8e/11 ULDB A